behind the lens:

Brydie Mack

Brydie Mack takes it slow. From her human approach to her subjects to her careful planning before each shoot, the photographer prioritizes thoughtful creativity at every turn. And, in a world where instant digital photography and iPhone snaps reign supreme, she even shoots on film. We had the pleasure of watching Brydie work on the set of our Resort ’24 shoot in Sardinia and took a peek behind the lens. Below, get an inside look at the photographer’s process, favorite looks from the shoot, and relatable obsession with Italian carbs. Saluti.

Part 01

About Brydie

Where is home? 

Sydney, Australia 

How did you get your start as a photographer?

It was complete accident - I was at uni studying a Bachelor of Creative Direction, majoring in styling & couldn't find a photographer who aligned with me & would work for free with a measly uni student! So I saved up for a camera & started shooting my own work, filling all creative roles, like the control freak that I am, haha. We had a photography lecturer at uni & he really introduced me to film photography. I think that's what gave me a point of difference in my early days, nobody was shooting film, unlike now. My first overseas job was in my final year of uni - I went to Morocco to shoot BTS for a Billabong campaign & it all took off after that!


Creative Process + Inspo

What + who inspires you?

I'm a huge fan of photographers who shoot their subjects in a very human way. Showing personality & life, rather than just a pose. Cass Bird, Peter Lindbergh, Bruce Webber - all pros at capturing that essence. Gilles Bensimon also really influenced my earlier work.

How do you prepare for a photoshoot?

I try not to overthink it, but it never works! I have to take a sleep supplement the night before a shoot, or I'll be up all night! I really love rocking up on the day feeling organised. So every shoot we'll create a document the day prior, matching looks to locations, so on the day we can focus solely on the creativity & not the logistics. 

Can we see a screenshot of your ‘saved’ folder?

Sure - it's forever changing, attached are a few recent saves.


The Shoot

What inspired you to shoot in Sardinia?

Everyone's done Positano, Ibiza, Nice. In a world where Europe content is so over-saturated, It's hard for a location to feel fresh - but Sardinia is exactly that. The landscape there is absolutely wild & so unique. I was ecstatic to shoot somewhere that felt unspoiled & our villa looked like something created by AI. I fell in love with Sardinia, so much so, that I'm forcing my fiancé to spend our honeymoon there!

Favorite photo you shot in Sardinia?

Ooft this is really hard. I'd have to say either the shot of Mon sunbaking, with a vast capture of the pool & view - this instantly transports me back there. Or the shot of Mon in the pool, looking up at me. It's simple but I love her expression & the texture of the water is so inviting. 

A favorite moment while shooting our campaign?

After lunch, a huge storm rolled in. You wouldn't know it from the pictures as we stopped shooting, not wanting to waste film on flat light. After 2 or so hours, the sun peaked through the clouds & all of a sudden, the villa was bathed in golden light. We all jumped up with equal parts excitement & relief. We got our sunset!

Favorite part of working with an all-girls team?

It's an instant feeling of comfort. Especially shooting swim, I know the model is at ease. Not to put men down, but there is that unspoken trust between a crew of women. Also the moment we wrapped, we all huddled together jumping up & down with excitement - something I love about all-female crews, the unhinged wrap dance. And then we went & carb-loaded at wrap dins, talking our heads off. Real sisterhood vibes.


Fill in the blank

It’s the end of day 1 and we’re off to eat carbs, carbs, Italian carbs for dinner.

Must-have items I’m packing are sunscreen & my cameras!

My favorite look was the black one-piece we styled with the linen bandana - it felt so classic. 

I brought home so much film because I couldn't stop snapping from Sardinia.

We listened to Hermanos Gutierrez - Esperanza on repeat.